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Whether you are designing a new home for you and your family, or you’re finally performing that dream renovation on you’ve always wanted, take a moment to consider shutters, and the benefits they give.

Shutters have been a popular option for decades due to the variety of practical benefits that they can bring to a home. If you have not previously considered shutters for the windows in your home, here are just a few of the reasons to consider doing so.

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Improved Aesthetics

One of the primary reasons people choose to add interior or exterior shutters to their home is due to the way they enhance their home’s beauty.  Shutters have a classic, timeless look, which is why their popularity has continued to grow over the years. They look good on almost any home and are available in a variety of designs and styles that will ensure that you will be able to find shutters that will fit in with the look and feel of your home. You will likely be surprised by the ways in which adding shutters to your home can improve the way your home looks, making it a more warm and welcoming living environment.

Light Control

Shutters give you superior control over the light that enters your home. A simple touch of a louvre can allow you to let the sunshine into your room, or you can just as easily block nearly all the light out of your home with your shutters, giving you complete control over the lighting in any room. This can be particularly beneficial in helping to protect your furniture from the sun’s harmful UV rays, which can cause fabric surfaces to fade over time. The extent to which shutters can block out light when closed can also help to keep you cooler, and more comfortable, during the summer.

Energy Savings

Since you can better control the light that enters your home, not only will this keep you more comfortable during the summer, but also, this can help to lower your energy bills as your air conditioner will not have to work as hard to cool your home. Further helping to save you money year-round are the insulating properties of shutters. Windows are the primary location where energy can escape a home; however, shutters provide another layer of protective insulation to your windows, helping to keep heat in during the winter, and cold air in during the summer. This can help to greatly lower the cost of heating and cooling your home, which can make your home more energy-efficient overall.

Privacy Control

Another benefit of adding shutters to your home is the added privacy they can provide; they can be crucial in helping to keep prying eyes out of your home; particularly if you live in an area where the houses are close together. However, sheer curtains often still allow nosy neighbours to get an idea of what is going on in your home, and blinds often have gaps that prevent them from providing complete privacy. Alternatively, shutters allow you to completely close off your home making it as private as possible. Shutters can then also help to improve the security of your home by preventing potential thieves from getting a look inside of your home.

Added Protection

Adding shutters to your home’s windows can add another layer of functionality by helping to protect your windows from the elements. If you live in an area where violent storms, or natural disasters such as hurricanes, are common, shutters are essential as they can help to protect your home’s windows from flying debris. In the event of severe weather, exterior shutters can be closed to protect your windows from these projectiles.


Another benefit that shutters provide to homeowners is that they last an extremely long time. Unlike other window coverings, shutters are built to last. In fact, high-quality shutters will likely not need to be replaced during the time that you live in your home as long as they are properly maintained. This makes shutters a good investment in the future of your home.

Increased Property Value

Adding shutters to your home can also increase the value of your home. The way shutters enhance the look of a home, in combination with the practical benefits shutters provide, makes them valuable to potential homebuyers. Some buyers will even look for a home with shutters, and they will be willing to pay extra for them. Thus, the addition of shutters can increase the value, and the saleability, of your home should you go to sell it in the future.

Whether you are purchasing window coverings for a new home, or for a remodel, you will be ensuring the future beauty, security, comfort, and energy-efficiency of your home by choosing to have shutters installed on your home. Adding shutters to any home is a smart move as you will see a high return on your investment over time. However, we have only touched upon a few of the benefits here that shutters provide.

Download The Complete Guide to Shutters & Louvres [Free E-Book]